Assistant Principal
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- Supervises Seniors: Student Behavior Management/Attendance/IEP Meetings /SCIP/MTSS Certificated Supervision, Evaluation, and Curriculum Monitoring:
- ELL, Art, AFJROTC, Math, Credit Recovery
- Classified Staff Evaluation & Timecards: Grade Level Secretary, Project Secretary, Resource Paras
- August Student Orientation
- Graduation Supervision and Senior Meetings
- Teacher Supervision Schedules: lunch, halls, study halls
- Building Calendar
- Honors and Academic Awards Nights
- Advanced Placement Program Enrollment & UNO Dual Enrollment
- A/B and Building Calendar Final Exams
- Guest Speakers
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Multi-Cultural and Patriotism Report
- PLC’s
- School Improvement and Site Planning
- Study Hall System
- Student, Staff and Parent Engagement Surveys
- Early College High School
- Air Force Junior ROTC
- Administrative Intern
- Credit Recovery Program
- Dean