Assistant Principal
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- Supervises Sophomores: Student Behavior Management/Attendance/IEP Meetings /SCIP/MTSS Certificated Supervision, Evaluation, and Curriculum Monitoring
- Counseling, School Psychologists, FCS, Social Workers and Science
- Classified Staff Evaluation and Timecards:
- Grade Level Secretary, Project Secretary, Counseling Office Secretaries
- Registrar: Intake of New Students, Student Records, Independent Study, etc. Data Collection and Generation
- Coordinate Counseling Department Activities, etc. Career Education Internships
- Master Scheduling: Set, maintain, balance Room Utilization, Lockers
- Synergy Student Reports, Distribution, and Grade Book
- School Profile Brochure and Demographic Information
- 8th Grade Orientation schedule and set up Advisement/Registration Conferences schedule and set up
- Parent/Teacher Conferences schedule and set up
- Dept. Head Meeting Coordinator
- Staff Recognition (Extra Mile, Round of Applause)
- Administrative Intern
- Dean